Eastern Qilian Shan mountains
World Database of Key Biodiversity Areas
At IBAT we are an alliance of four of the world’s largest and most influential conservation organisations: Birdlife International, Conservation International, the International Union of Conservation for Nature (IUCN), and the United Nations Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC).
The IBAT platform is the world’s most authoritative biodiversity data platform, providing trusted data to assess biodiversity risks and align with global frameworks to support nature-positive goals. Our datasets are the World Database of Protected Areas (WDPAs), World database of Key Biodiversity Areas (WDKBA) and the IUCN Red list of Threatened Species. We also provide derived datasets in the form of the Rarity-Weighted Richness layer and Species Threat Abatement and Restoration or STAR metric.
The IBAT platform provides unique access to these datasets and layers helping to inform your world-leading biodiversity decisions.
We are a coalition of four of the world’s largest and most influential conservation organisations
Our vision
At IBAT our vision is that authoritative biodiversity data results in organisations taking positive action for nature.
Our mission
Our mission is to provide data, tools and guidance that help organisations act on biodiversity related risks and opportunities and generates sustainable funding to support biodiversity data sets.
Our story
Founded in 2008, IBAT has been a trusted resource for organizations worldwide, supporting the private sector, governments, not-for-profits, and research institutions in making informed biodiversity decisions for nearly two decades.
Headquartered in the David Attenborough Building (DAB) in Cambridge, UK, the IBAT alliance is supported by a network of conservation and scientific expertise. This collaboration ensures IBAT provides the gold standard in biodiversity data, helping organizations navigate sustainability challenges with confidence.

Northern Long-eared Owl
Least Concern
IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
Key milestones
Explore the significant milestones that have shaped IBAT's journey. Each step reflects our commitment to biodiversity and conservation.
IUCN Red List of Threatened Species Founded
The world’s most comprehensive source on the global extinction risk of species, forming the foundation of biodiversity risk assessments.
World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA) Founded
The only comprehensive global database providing authoritative information on protected areas, essential for conserving the world’s living resources.
IBAT Founded
Established as a trusted decision-support tool, providing businesses, governments, and conservationists with critical biodiversity data.
Global Standard for the Identification of Key Biodiversity Areas Published
A critical resource in identifying sites contributing significantly to the global persistence of biodiversity.
Launched STAR (Species Threat Abatement and Restoration Metric)
The IUCN launches a science-based tool enabling companies and policymakers to assess their potential contributions to reducing species extinction risk.
IBAT Invested $1.2 million back into data
Demonstrating IBAT’s success in enhancing biodiversity data quality and accessibility while fulfilling its original aim as a sustainable cost-recovery mechanism.
IBAT Launched Disclosure Preparation Report (DPR)
Helping businesses align with evolving biodiversity dislcosure landscape, supporting CSRD, GRI and TNFD
600,000 Sites uploaded across our 30,000 users
IBAT has extensive global adoption, supporting decision-making across industry, conservation, and finance.
Meet our team
Meet the dedicated individuals behind IBAT's mission.

Ed Ellis
Head of IBAT

Sue Mulhall
Head of Biodiversity & Business Engagement
BirdLife International

Kelly Malsch
Head of Nature Conserved

Martin Sneary
Head of Enterprise and Investment
Naomi Kingston
Vice President, European Partnerships and Strategy
Conservation International

Nikolai Berkoff
Lead Software Architect

Gareth Norman
Business and Finance Manager
BirdLife International

Joanna Karlic
Partnerships Lead

Rebecca Bieniaszewska
Engagement Lead

Masum Hussain
Finance Analyst
BirdLife International

Megan Sim
Programme Officer
BirdLife International

Mark Leckie
Programme Officer
BirdLife International

Finance and Administration Assistant
Birdlife International

Thomas Bear
Fullstack Developer

Trevor Vallender
Fullstack Developer

Supreeth Setty
Fullstack Developer

Víctor Avello
Fullstack Developer
We're hiring!
Do you have what it takes to join our dedicated team?
Hear what our partners have to say...
"IBAT also allows me to integrate my analysis with other GIS tools, which increases the depth of my scrutiny. We are looking forward to utilising the new STAR functionality!"

"IBAT provides an excellent pre-screening desktop resource to be used in these assessments focusing on species, habitats and legally protected and or internationally recognised areas of biodiversity importance."

"IBAT provides up-to-date information on protected area designations and threats to habitat and biodiversity. These data inform the BeZero Carbon Rating, an assessment of the likelihood that a carbon credit delivers on its promise to achieve a tonne of CO2e avoided or removed."

"IBAT provides essential screening on threatened species and endangered habitats that helps us assess risks, focus accompanying investigations, and prioritise restoration activities at our operating sites globally."

"IBAT has been an essential tool to help Evonik understand our biodiversity risks and opportunities on-site."

Learn how IBAT can transform your relationship with data and support your nature-positive goals