Raja Ampat
Locally Managed Marine Area
World Database on Protected Areas
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All IBAT subscriptions can be used by multiple users. Please select ‘organisation’ instead of ‘personal’ account type. Once you’ve created an account go to ‘Manage Users’ to add sub-users to your organisation’s account.
To add other users to your subscription, click on the arrow beside your name in the top right-hand corner of the screen. Click ‘Organisation Dashboard’, then ‘Manage users’. Here you can add other users to your organisation’s IBAT account. Use the checkboxes to set whether the account is enabled and whether the user is an admin. If set as inactive, an account can be reactivated at any time.
PAYG GIS downloads (less than 1,000,000km2) include all three datasets (World Database on Protected Areas, World Database of Key Biodiversity Areas, and IUCN Red Listed species polygons). A polygon request returns the full shapefile of the protected area, Key Biodiversity Area, or IUCN Red Listed species that intersects with that polygon instead a cropped subset of the data.
Global datasets available to Enterprise subscribers include the World Database on Protected Areas and the World Database of Key Biodiversity Areas. For more information on the available GIS downloads please view the sample GIS downloads.
Enterprise+ subscribers have access to the IUCN Red List and web services.
Each IBAT report varies in the way the data is displayed and interpreted. For more information on the available reports, their intended use cases and contents please view the sample reports.
Each dataset is updated at different frequencies. The World Database on Protected Areas is updated each month through web services, the World Database of Key Biodiversity Areas is updated twice a year, and the IUCN Red List is updated two to three times a year.
Please see IBAT Terms of Use here.
IBAT is an important cost recovery mechanism and IBAT subscriptions directly support the update and maintenance of three of the world’s most authoritative global datasets: the World Database on Protected Areas, the World Database of Key Biodiversity Areas, and the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
The annual cost of updating and maintaining these datasets is estimated at US$6.5 million. An additional US$114 million will be needed to reach baselines of data coverage for global biodiversity and conservation knowledge products.
Thank you for your support.
In order to determine the country that a site is located in, IBAT uses a layer provided by the UN Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC). This layer is a combination of the World Vector Shoreline (WVS) and Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZ) layers and is provided with the following disclaimer:
The designations employed and the presentation of material on this map do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.